ADORBSVILLE I'm about to introduce you to the cutest video you'll see all week.
This video was posted to Facebook by Jessie Larson on Thursday, and if it doesn't make you go "awww," then I don't know what will.
In the video, Larson is stopped in her vehicle in the middle of the road. A deer stands off to the side and a little fawn is lying right in front of the car. The mama deer walks over to the fawn, nuzzles his nose a bit and then finally the little guy stands up slowly and the two walk off together.
It might not sound like much, but trust me when I say you'll enjoy this video. When I first watched it, I wondered why the fawn was lying down. Was he hurt? Was everything OK? According to Larson, the little guy was just so scared that he had plopped down right in the road. Fortunately, he had his mom with him to help him up and the two stayed safe.
Even just writing this now, I feel for the little guy and my heart is melting. We've all been scared before and maybe even felt like lying down instead of going on with whatever we were doing. Sometimes all we need is that little nudge from someone to help us up.
This video was posted to Facebook by Jessie Larson on Thursday, and if it doesn't make you go "awww," then I don't know what will.
In the video, Larson is stopped in her vehicle in the middle of the road. A deer stands off to the side and a little fawn is lying right in front of the car. The mama deer walks over to the fawn, nuzzles his nose a bit and then finally the little guy stands up slowly and the two walk off together.
It might not sound like much, but trust me when I say you'll enjoy this video. When I first watched it, I wondered why the fawn was lying down. Was he hurt? Was everything OK? According to Larson, the little guy was just so scared that he had plopped down right in the road. Fortunately, he had his mom with him to help him up and the two stayed safe.
Even just writing this now, I feel for the little guy and my heart is melting. We've all been scared before and maybe even felt like lying down instead of going on with whatever we were doing. Sometimes all we need is that little nudge from someone to help us up.