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Instagram latest venue for social media 'depression'
Facebook has long been theorized to cause depression and "fear of missing out" (FOMO). Now there's a new network that can prey on users' self-esteem: Instagram. - photo by Chandra Johnson
Facebook has long been theorized to cause depression, low self-esteem and "fear of missing out" (FOMO), depending on the attitude of users.

Now there's a new network that can prey on users' self-esteem: Instagram.

As Slate magazine reported, while research on the emotional impact of the photo-sharing network is scarce, some researchers theorize that Instagram may have a similar but stronger effect on some users' self-esteem.

A photo can very powerfully provoke immediate social comparison, and that can trigger feelings of inferiority. You dont envy a news story," one German researcher told Slate. You get more explicit and implicit cues of people being happy, rich and successful from a photo than from a status update."

Social comparison and feeling inferior is part of what fueled the one Instagram star leaving the network Australian model Essena O'Neill.

O'Neill once made a living from clothing companies who paid her to post flawless photos of herself in their couture. Before quitting, O'Neill deleted or edited many of the captions on posts in the hopes of teaching others, especially young girls, that seeking validation via Instagram is a dark and dangerous path.

"I just want younger girls to know this isnt candid life or cool or inspirational," O'Neill wrote in one caption of a bikini photo. "Its contrived perfection made to get attention.