The beloved story "The Jungle Book" comes to life in the newest Disney movie trailer. The cast of the live-action film will include Christopher Walken as King Louie, Bill Murray as Baloo and Scarlett Johansson as Kaa.
In 1994, Stephen Sommers released a live-action version of the 1967 animated film, but director Jon Favreau is looking forward to the new version.
Theres a lot of great images and feelings that I remember from being a kid that Id love to incorporate using todays technology and storytelling techniques," Favreau said in an interview with Screenrant.
In this sneak peek of the film, Disney incorporates CGI but retains at least one of the movie's original songs, "The Bare Necessities."
"The Jungle Book" will hit theatres on April 15, 2016.
In 1994, Stephen Sommers released a live-action version of the 1967 animated film, but director Jon Favreau is looking forward to the new version.
Theres a lot of great images and feelings that I remember from being a kid that Id love to incorporate using todays technology and storytelling techniques," Favreau said in an interview with Screenrant.
In this sneak peek of the film, Disney incorporates CGI but retains at least one of the movie's original songs, "The Bare Necessities."
"The Jungle Book" will hit theatres on April 15, 2016.