College-educated women are more likely to have longer-lasting marriages than those who are less educated, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center.
In fact, women who have earned at least a bachelors degree are 79 percent likely to survive 20 years in a marriage, whereas women overall were only 52 percent likely to do so.
About half of first marriages in the U.S. are likely to survive at least 20 years, according to government estimates, according to Pew. But for one demographic group, marriages last longer than most: College-educated women have an almost eight-in-ten chance of still being married after two decades.
This is mostly because college-educated women tend to get married later in life when theyre financially secure, according to Pew, which relieves them of the financial concerns that plague many first marriages.
This isnt the first time research like this has been reported. In October 2014, MarketWatch analyzed data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that found only about a quarter of those with bachelors degrees got divorced, whereas nearly half of those who attended some college or had a high school degree got divorced.
A college degree is a good proxy indicator for economic resources, Susan Brown, a professor and chair of sociology at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, told MarketWatch. Highly educated couples enjoy more financial stability. Economic distress is a key predictor of divorce. Having plenty of money means one less thing to fight about.
In fact, women who have earned at least a bachelors degree are 79 percent likely to survive 20 years in a marriage, whereas women overall were only 52 percent likely to do so.
About half of first marriages in the U.S. are likely to survive at least 20 years, according to government estimates, according to Pew. But for one demographic group, marriages last longer than most: College-educated women have an almost eight-in-ten chance of still being married after two decades.
This is mostly because college-educated women tend to get married later in life when theyre financially secure, according to Pew, which relieves them of the financial concerns that plague many first marriages.
This isnt the first time research like this has been reported. In October 2014, MarketWatch analyzed data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that found only about a quarter of those with bachelors degrees got divorced, whereas nearly half of those who attended some college or had a high school degree got divorced.
A college degree is a good proxy indicator for economic resources, Susan Brown, a professor and chair of sociology at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, told MarketWatch. Highly educated couples enjoy more financial stability. Economic distress is a key predictor of divorce. Having plenty of money means one less thing to fight about.