Dear Editor:
The EMS personnel, firefighters and law enforcement officers will compete in the Battle of the Badges on this upcoming Blood drive July 15th, 2019. Our donors (you) will vote for your favorite Public Service worker.
Firefighter or Law Enforcement. They who give time to the community, they give a sense of security to residents, and they often give blood too. As local heroes to many, their courage in the face of adversity bolsters people in need.
Hot, sticky days make summer the perfect time to go into the cool air conditioning and stay there. Many of us prefer to stay in the cool of our own homes versus venturing out into the heat and humidity. This creates a problem for hospital patients in need of blood. The American Red Cross urges you to donate blood this summer.
Despite the season, the need for blood remains constant. People still undergo surgeries, accidents still happen and cancer diagnoses are made year round. There is no substitute for human blood. Blood is a perishable product. Red blood cells last only 42 days and platelets just five days. It must be replenished constantly.
You can help meet the needs of area hospital patients by giving blood this summer. Don’t let the heat of the summer keep you inside, get out and do something good for yourself and your community- give blood with the Red Cross.
Locally you can donate at: Great Bend Community Blood Drive, St. Rose Auditorium, 1412 Baker Ave., Monday, July 15, 2019, 11:15 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Corry Herrman,
Blood Drive Coordinator
Great Bend