President Barack Hussein Obama is instructing our only staunch allies in the Middle East to risk destruction at the hands of one of the most radical terrorist organization in that troubled area, and he must be stopped before some of the world’s holiest historical sites are closed to the tens of thousands of pilgrims who visit them every year.
Incredibly, the president is demanding that Israel revert to the 1967 borders, which would expose the Jewish state to attacks from the terrorist organization Hamas, which now controls the government of neighboring Palestine.
Unless we want these terrorists to control Christianity’s history in the Holy Land we must prevail upon the president to abandon this dangerous and wrong-headed policy.
You can make your voices heard loud and clear by joining the Reagan Group in our effort to protect our Christian heritage in the Holy Land by petitioning the Congress to force the president to abandon this dangerous policy.
All you need do to make your voices heard is to go to our website at and add your signature to our petition, which you can read there.
Once we have amassed enough signatures to convince Congress that we mean business and are determined to protect our ally, we will deliver it to Congress.
We will also send a copy to Israel’s courageous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
This is serious business that ought to concern every American who understands the tragic fact that Israel’s safety, security and very existence remain at stake decades after the state of Israel came into being as a haven for the Jewish people.
Indeed, our own security in this dangerous era remains at risk.
At risk are countless religious sites which now attract millions of pilgrims but would be denied to Christians and Jews should the radical terrorists in Hamas gain control over them.
My Morning in America group, which is sponsoring the petition, is an organization dedicated to advancing common-sense public policies rooted in the traditions of freedom and patriotism of my father President Ronald Reagan, as well as my own.
These guiding principles will once again make America secure and prosperous for generations to come.
Our mission is to harness and amplify the voices of the American people to give them a greater say in fighting back against the threats to freedom and family and Christian values posed by political leaders and the liberal media.
“Stop Obama’s Anti-Christian Policies” is my Morning in America’s first project.
(Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his website at, or e-mail comments to
Middle East 'policy' has to change