The “new era of civility in politics” called for by President Obama after former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) was shot, lasted about five Washington minutes. Since then Obama has adopted a scorched earth public policy in an attempt to destroy his political enemies, but sacrificing the Constitution as collateral damage.
Consider Obama’s January 12, 2011 words in Tucson: “At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized-at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do; it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.”
Fast forward to the October 8, 2013 press conference, when an unhinged Obama used highly inflamed words describing those who think differently as “hostage takers” party to “extortion” and “insanity,” who created “catastrophe” and “chaos.” Rather uncivil discourse for one who seems to believe he is destined to be the fifth president chiseled out of rock at Mount Rushmore.
So what happened between Tucson and October 8? Nothing, really. Liberals by nature are bipolar, switching effortlessly from one issue to the next, depending upon the audience, time of day and what they had for dinner. In Tucson, liberals perceived a tragedy as a chance to promote gun control. At the press conference last week, liberals weren’t getting their way regarding the debt ceiling and seized the opportunity to change focus by demonizing opponents. Why make rational decisions to salvage the nation’s economy when one can sling mud?
Think back to the 2012 election. The Obama re-election campaign vilified opponents by circulating a list of top Romney campaign donors they claimed had “less-than-reputable records.” Obama’s political lap dogs responded, and not long after, good people fell victim to IRS audits and intimidation.
Similar tactics were used to push back conservative and Tea Party groups. According to Jonathan Alter, author of the book, “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” Obama used an extremely vulgar term “tea-baggers” (My column is PG-13, so you look it up) to publicly disparage Tea Party activists. The vulgarity went viral and became part of the public discourse regarding the Tea Party, whose only crime so far is having an opinion contrary to the president’s. With tax-exempt status (and their reputations) in limbo, many would-be Romney campaign players were conveniently silenced; hence sending the chilling message: The IRS had Obama’s back and would stab yours if you dared to publicly oppose their guy. Scary stuff.
It is reasonable to say that without these Chicago thug tactics, an inept empty suit sporting golf shoes might not be occupying the oval office. Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto concurs. Taranto wrote, “We now know that government corruption-namely IRS persecution of dissenters-was a factor in Obama’s re-election.
During his second inaugural address, Obama called for an end to political name-calling, but he continues, out of control. His rancor is contagious and trickles down the ranks, spreading from Pelosi, Reid, Carney and the rest of the lemmings to senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer, who recently likened those who disagree to terrorists “with a bomb strapped to their chest.” Former Obama campaign manager and senior White House adviser David Plouffe was no more civil October 10, suggesting opponents are “committing economic treason.”
Insane... hostage takers...terrorists...the list goes on. Liberalism’s sewer politics may win a few battles or elections-- but will eventually lose the war. Liberalism has failed the world over. And today, with the president’s approval numbers at 37 percent, liberalism is headed south in Obama’s uncivil America.
Susan Stamper Brown is an opinion page columnist who writes about politics, the economy and culture. Email Susan at or her website at
Obamas Uncivil America