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Pauls army wont be easily broken
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When Sarah Palin, during the post Iowa media spin feast, warned GOP leaders to not “marginalize” the Ron Paul supporters, she was looking ahead to the greatest challenge faced by whoever captures the nomination. The Republican leaders in DC loathe Ron Paul, and they loathe the thousands of mostly young activists he is bringing into the GOP. Like similar waves of activists in the past the insiders’ goal is to see their tide of enthusiasm break and dissipate like foam on a beach.The insiders that actually run the GOP look nothing like the membership of the GOP. Walk the halls of the Republican National Committee in DC and you will find preppy ladder climbers that shift political philosophy to accommodate whichever boss will bid to pay the most. These are the shock troops of the K Street lobby crowd more interested in Thursday night’s cocktail circuit than a jobless Iowa worker or a small businessman struggling in Nashua, New Hampshire.