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Saving the Children - For Real
Making Sense
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President Obama - three weeks late - has done something to help rescue those Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by extremist Islamist terrorists.He’s sending a team of military officials and hostage negotiators to help the hapless Nigerian government track down and retrieve the 223 girls.The girls will almost certainly be sold to sex traffickers or kept as sex slaves by the militant terrorist group known as Boko Haram, whose name translates as “Western education is sinful.”It’s nice that our president has “sprung” into action. But what took him - and the rest of the world - so long to work up their outrage over this latest crime against children?Boko Haram is a textbook gang of jihadist thugs.It has killed ten thousand Nigerians in a decade and specializes in kidnapping Christians and Western tourists. Its goal is to take over Nigeria and install a pure Islamic state governed by sharia law that will keep its young girls stupid and imprisoned by its moronic brand of 7th century fundamentalism.Yet for three weeks there was hardly a peep of protest from the West about what Boko Haram did to these schoolgirls.