Here are your Official Liberal Talking Points to support the failing Obamacare:
1: Haughtily sniff that you “knew” people would lose their health insurance and those who didn’t must not be paying attention. (Ignore the fact that President Obama has been declared Liar of the Year by mainstream media “Fact Checker” pundits for promising you could keep your health insurance policy and your doctor.)
2: Avert your eyes from the millions of victims of the “Affordable” Care Act and remember there are 317 million Americans so the five million or more crushed by higher costs while their new Obamacare plan excludes their doctors and hospitals don’t really matter. We’re liberal Democrats and we have to break a few million eggs to make an omelet.
3: “Accept Ambiguity.” Yup, that’s your actual marching order Number Three from leading liberal activist and New Republic Magazine senior editor Jonathon Cohn.
4: People losing insurance or paying a lot more is good because some other people will get insurance policies really cheap or free. Change is good no matter how many people suffer.
5: Insurance premiums were going to go up anyway, so let’s pretend Obamacare just makes the costs increase more slowly. Why? Because we can’t really predict the future of Obamacare costs and we’re supporting this no matter what happens!
I’m obviously paraphrasing while keeping the meanings accurate.
Jonathon Cohn is well-known to the left for his writing and big-government activism. He is an influential liberal, much like Kevin Drum of Mother Jones, Ezra Klein of MSNBC (and The American Prospect) and Jonathon Chait.
These are his talking points designed to be easily ingested and regurgitated by the faithful who are undaunted by the harsh realities millions of Americans are facing everyday due to this legislation.
He actually writes in his “5 Rules for Talking about Obamacare in 2014,” “When the stories about higher premiums and plan cancellations first began appearing in October, my first reaction was ‘This is news?’People who follow health policy understood, from the beginning, that reform had to reorganize the market for people buying on their own - and that, as a result, some small portion of Americans would not be able to buy the same policies for the same prices.”
Let’s repeat the haughty sniff one more time in italics, shall we?
“People who follow health policy understood, from the beginning, that reform had to reorganize the market for people buying on their own - and that, as a result, some small portion of Americans would not be able to buy the same policies for the same prices.”
So if you actually believed President Obama when he said you could keep your doctor, your hospital and your insurance policy, you obviously haven’t followed health policy.
These liberals do more than just infer that you are a stupid cow if you believed the lies of the President, his staff and leading Democrats. And so, you deserve whatever befalls you due to this Democratic legislation.
We are also to presume the estimated 1 million to 5 million Americans whose excellent medical insurance policies are being cancelled and replaced with inferior policies for higher premiums don’t matter in this liberal world. After all, this governmental policy only afflicts “some small portion” of the 317 million people in this country and still fails to offer coverage to 30 million Americans.
In cities across America, you Democrats who voted for Barack Obama are writing to your local newspapers sharing your terrible voters’ remorse as your policies are cancelled and/or being gouged for a new policy. The few of you who have signed up are unsure if you really have a policy and, while you rightfully worry about having to make a claim, the liberal elites hand you talking points to defend the indefensible.
Again, they exhort you to cry, “Moo.”
Contact Rick at, or follow him on Twitter @Jensen1150WDEL.
Talking points to support failing Obamacare