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Two Trump policies at odds with one another
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It’s already pretty clear that, in the Trump White House, the left hand often doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.Now we have definitive proof that the right hand doesn’t even know what it’s doing.Days after announcing an escalation of the American military prison in Afghanistan, President Donald Trump wants to prepare for that build-up by firing some 12,800 of them, as he finally turns his heinously cruel Tweets about bouncing transgender service-members into an actual policy.Because wouldn’t you thin out the ranks of your company for no good reason at all just as you were about to embark on a major project that could affect you and your long-term security for years to come? ‘No, of course not. But that’s the logic at work in Trumplandia.According to NPR, transgender service-members “would be subject to removal at Defense Secretary James Mattis’ discretion - and the service would bar transgender people from enlisting, under new White House guidelines for the Pentagon.”NPR reporter Tom Bowman confirmed “rough details” of the policy after the noted leftists at The Wall Street Journal went public with the White House’s plan for the Pentagon. Gay and lesbian service-members have been able to serve openly in the U.S. military since 2011.