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Why NFL games are unwatchable
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“National Football League TV ratings down 13 percent in Week 1.”“NFL ratings in free fall.”Those headlines don’t surprise me one bit.But the NFL’s rapidly declining popularity has nothing to do with televising too many games a week, too many commercials, too much violence or too many mediocre teams.It has everything to do with politics – liberal politics.I’m a very political guy, in case you hadn’t noticed.But like most normal sports fans, I watch football on TV to relax, to enjoy myself. I love nothing better than to sit back on Saturday mornings and watch college teams play all day.Colleges still let you enjoy the game, but NFL games have become unwatchable.On Sunday, Monday and Thursday the first thing you see when you tune in to a pro game are players taking a knee during the “National Anthem” because of some political reason.I don’t give a damn what the quarterback, the head coach or the owner of the team thinks or tweets about politics, the president or the Steven King movie “It.”All I care is, “Are you going to win or lose? Can you pass, catch the ball or coach?