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Coronavirus not going away
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To the editor:

Governor Kelly, Karen Winkelman, and Sheriff Brian Bellendir all deserve our thanks for the thoughtful way they have acted in handling the current coronavirus pandemic. 

Governor Kelly acted quickly to protect lives in Kansas, and our state is doing better than surrounding states. However, she has faced opposition from some legislators who are playing politics rather than worrying about the lives of Kansans. Karen Winkelman stepped in when the head of the Barton County Health Department suddenly left and has worked to keep our citizens safe. Sheriff Bellendir and his department have delivered stay at home orders to those who have or who have been exposed to the coronavirus.

Many citizens are suffering. They are unable to work and still face the need to feed their families and pay their bills. Balancing the need to work and feed their families with the need to stay safe is a delicate balance. However, your life and the lives of your family need to be your first priority. Those who are able need to support their fellow citizens. 

Recently the number of cases in Barton County is increasing. Fewer people are following the recommended guidelines to contain the virus. It has not gone away. We all need to be responsible and protect ourselves and our fellow citizens.

Governor Kelly, Karen Winkelman, and Sheriff Bellenidr are to be commended. They are doing their part. Now all of us need to do our part. 

Jari Marietta 

Great Bend