To the editor
A number of very disturbing issues regarding our political system were emphasized by the Presidential Debate of June 27.
Probably the most apparent was the performance of President Biden showing that without a doubt this man is mentally incapable of being president of the United States.
This demonstrates both the terrible judgment of the Democratic leaders for promoting a man like Biden for the position of the President of the United States and the continuous lies the Democratic Party has told to the American public over the last few years regarding the state of Joe Biden’s health.
For example, since the debate, the Democrats would have us believe that Biden’s performance in this debate is an isolated incident, “a bad night.” Anyone who has watched Biden for the last several years knows that this is not true; he has been confused and disoriented enough times over the past few years that a pattern of poor mental health has emerged; and it is a well-established fact that his terrible mental health will get worse with age. This may be the most frightening part of the whole equation. Picture Biden and his mental incapacity in three or four years.
This lack of trust in the honesty and judgment of the Democratic Party coupled with their terrible policy decisions, including the inflation, border control, gender dynamics, Afghanistan and Ukraine makes me wonder how anyone could vote for Biden and for that matter any Democrat in the upcoming November elections. To do so would invite disaster for America and the American way of life.
Don McCullough