To the editor,
I first want to thank the City Council, Logan Burns, and all those involved in the Quality of Life Projects. They are exciting and will be wonderful additions to Great Bend that we will enjoy for many years to come.
With the planned improvements to Veterans Park, especially the addition of the lights for the walking path, now is the time to move the location of the Mud Volleyball pit for this year’s Party in the Park.
For one day each year, the present location is great. For the other 364 days of the year, it is horrible. The pit is a sloppy mud hole when it is wet, and a dirty dust pile when it is dry. The dirt and mud make the area unusable and it is an eyesore.
I want to be clear that I am not wanting to do away with the Mud Volleyball tournament during the Party in the Park. It is a great activity that many people enjoy. I am requesting the location of the pit be moved to a more suitable location in the park.
Gary Pinkall
Great Bend