Dear Editor,
The sheriff’s campaign has been interesting so far. One candidate, Brian Bellendir, decided early on that he would run his campaign the same way he will run the department when he is elected--positively and proactively. So far, it has been a healthy competition. Brian’s goals have been to stick to the issues and to show the community how he is best for Barton County because of his 28 years plus experience in the sheriff’s department and tons of specialized training.
His campaign is working. More than just sparking a run on 4x8 sheets of plywood, Brian has single handedly changed how campaigning is done in Barton County. His leadership is shining through. You cannot drive more than two blocks anywhere in the county without seeing a Bellendir sign, and people are asking questions like, “What’s going on with your sheriff’s race?” Voters in our county see that Brian is the most qualified for and committed to the job of sheriff.
It was bound to lead to acts of desperation. There have been several dubious claims made about Bellendir’s connection with a former sheriff. He is no way connected to or working with any current or former sheriff’s. Bellendir’s loyalties are to his constituents and any falsehoods spread by others are only meant to distract the voters of this county from the facts. A vote for Brian Bellendir is a vote ONLY for Brian Bellendir. It is a vote for the candidate with the most leadership, experience and integrity.
Dan Heath
Bellendir good choice for sheriff