Dear editor,
The prophet Isaiah must of had the Great Bend City Band in mind when he wrote “They will soar on wings like eagles” when he prophesied centuries ago. Each week this summer patrons in this area have experienced the joy of uplifted spirit as they relaxed and listened to the music produced by Steven Lueth, the Great Bend City Band and now the 38th Infantry. Also thanks to the Tribune for the publication in Wednesday’s coverage of the 35th Infantry Band – that performance put everybody in attendance on the 7th realm of heaven as we listened to the march music that only a “live” performance gives.
Personally this summer I have endured a fall in my house that broke my right shoulder. I have to personally thank Don and Pat Halbower for their assistance in getting to the performances.
In conclusion thanks to Lueth, Great Bend Band performers, and the good Lord for perfect weather. This summer is a pleasant memory for an old curmudgeon in a world of reality and accidents.
Homer Kruckenberg
Great Bend