Dear Editor,
After more than 38 years in law enforcement, I have come across many people that are ethical and trustworthy and unfortunately many people who are not. As a professional law enforcement officer I am convinced that I have a handle on people and their characters.
I have known Donald Hobson for 5 years, and I know without a doubt that Don is absolutely trustworthy and ethical. This is an extremely important characteristic of someone who would be a representative for us in Topeka. It is one thing to make campaign promises in order to get elected, but quite another to keep promises. Donald is a true promise keeper.
We can count on Donald to keep his promise not to raise taxes when he signed the Tax Payers Protection Pledge; we can count on Donald to uphold the sanctity of life; to fight for and preserve our constitutional rights such as the second amendment; and to represent the traditional family values that have made our nation great.
There are many issues involved in this campaign but, none of them are anything other than an empty campaign promise without a candidate of the highest integrity. Donald Hobson is that man of integrity and I want that kind of a state senator. Please join me in voting for
Donald Hobson on Aug. 5th.
Mike Cox
Donald Hobson is man of integrity