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Examine Teichman's voting record
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Dear Editor,
In August 2011 M&M Mars broke ground for a new 350,000 sq. ft. chocolate factory in Topeka. The company had not opened a new facility in the US in 35 years. In an Industry Week Magazine article, Topeka Chamber of Commerce president Doug Kinsinger credited a change in the state’s tax law that helped “open the floodgates of new investment.” It was a significant factor in M&M Mars’ decision to locate in Kansas.
What was the change he referred to? HB 2583 exempts machinery and equipment, purchased or brought into Kansas for the purpose of starting or expanding a business, from State property taxes. When this legislation was enacted in 2006 it was supported by John Edmonds, Mitch Holmes and was signed into law by Democrat Governor Kathleen Sebelious. It was a rare bipartisan effort to boost the Kansas economy.
There was, however, local opposition. Ruth Teichman voted NAY on HB 2583. One can’t help but wonder how someone who claims to be a job creator can oppose effective incentives for companies to locate or expand in our State. If you take the time to examine her voting record you might conclude that she never met a TAX she didn’t like.
Campaign rhetoric is cheap. Voting records speak the truth.
Jim Stevens
Great Bend