Dear Editor,
Nov. 11, marks Veterans Day and I hope every Kansan honors those men and women who have served or continue to serve our great nation.
Please say thank you to all veterans for protecting and defending our freedom and way of life. We are the greatest country in the world because we have the greatest people in the world defending us. Nothing is more important than remembering and honoring those who gave of themselves so that we can continue to be the home of the free because of the brave.
The State of Kansas has always valued our military and its service members and we are privileged to support the quarter million veterans who live in our state. The sacrifices made by veterans in defense of our great nation deserve our respect and praise. They also deserve the best benefits and medical care available. Kansas is dedicated to providing quality benefits, care, and facilities for our veterans and I’m proud of the progress we have made over the past two years.
This commitment to our veterans and their families has led to numerous improvements in our veterans programs. As an example, the Kansas Veterans Home in Winfield opened Triplet Hall on its campus to expand its long-term nursing care capacity by 40 beds. This expansion provides additional services and resources to many deserving veterans and their families at little to no cost to the state.
At the Kansas Soldiers Home at historic Fort Dodge we are witnessing a significant upgrade to the two main buildings on campus including a major renovation of their assisted living facility in Lincoln Hall. This upgrade includes new flooring and carpet, showers and bathrooms, covered entryway, paint, and new furniture. The long-term care facility, Halsey Hall will get a complete kitchen renovation, covered entrance, new windows and air conditioning units, electrical upgrades, and new paint and flooring.
It is important that the quality of the facilities matches the quality of care at both facilities.
We have also hired additional veteran service officers to improve outreach to Kansas veterans and help them gain access to the federal benefits they are entitled to such as health care, education assistance, disability compensation, and home loan guarantee programs.
The service of the men and women who served in the military is the greatest gift an American can give to his or her fellow citizens. Kansas remains unwavering in our support for our deserving veterans.
Sam Brownback,
Honoring our veterans