Dear Editor,
Due to a multitude of questions that have been hurled my way due to the marriage situation in New York, I have been pressed to write.
First thing first, all sexuality is a choice!
This may come as a surprise to many people in our world today.
People are not, by nature, born homosexual.
They are not born fornicators or adulterers.
People are not born celibate.
Abstinence is not natural either.
We are born sexual beings. We choose, due to many life situations, the path of our sexuality.
Sometimes, due to the fallen nature of humanity, undesired life situations can be forced upon us. But, we are not stuck in these situations. We can choose a different path.
How can someone be celibate and another be so driven that sex overtakes their life?
We choose life paths and the results are being defined as we travel our chosen direction.
We are, by nature, liars, thieves, cheats and sexually confused.
We must learn to overcome our natural motivations and discipline ourselves to a proper way of living life.
I know this thought will anger some who believe that we should not deal with the basic nature of the human creature.
Many believe we should let everyone do as they desire and there will be peace in our world.
What a lie!
Here’s the real issue. Who establishes the standard for our lives?
Does God or does man?
The answer to this question will drive your life down a certain pathway.
Your chosen pathway includes sexual choice.
We know, or at least should by now, that man desires to experience, fulfill and even exploit all of his natural inclinations. Since man’s nature is fallen the progression to perversion has be unleashed.
If man comes to realize his fallen nature and desires to do something about it, let’s say disciplining himself to a standard set by his Creator, he will work to overcome his base desires and train himself to live rightly before God.
If a human being does not believe in God or that God has the authority to set the standard of proper living for the human, well, all discipline is thrown off and the result will be a society moving rapidly to accept as moral the worst of imaginable perversions.
The choice is yours.
Will you die to self and follow the way of the Lord or go your own way down a path of self desire?
Please don’t accuse me of forcing my morality on anyone here.
I just want you to know and understand the truth of what is before us.
The standard you live by is either set by God or man and all sexuality is a choice.
Due to the masses choosing a life path that excludes God, same-sex marriage is just the next step down the road of man honoring his own fallen nature.
Pastor Thomas R. Swain,
First Church of God,
Great Bend
It's up to us to make the choice