Dear Editor,
We endorse Donald Hobson in his run for the Senate District #35 seat. We are his parents.
Donald has always been a very conscientious person. When he was in fourth grade his teacher told us he was the most conscientious student she had ever taught. It is a part of his makeup. Donald works hard at what he does and is very conscientious to do it well.
Donald has a love for the political world. He earned a masters degree in political science at WSU and post-masters work at Ohio State. He has worked tirelessly to help elect conservative candidates to local, state and federal positions in government. He is a passionate mainstream Republican with consistent conservative values.
Donald has a big heart for people. He loves interacting with them listening to their concerns and ideas. He is very concerned about the important issues facing our district, state and nation. We know he will work hard for conservative policies regarding every aspect of life in Kansas.
Donald is an honest person of integrity which relates to his relationship with God. He is a devoted Christian, husband and father. Several years ago we asked him why he was spending so much time campaigning for a certain candidate. He responded, “If this candidate wins he will help make a better world for my children in the years ahead.”
We believe Donald Hobson is well prepared to serve us as District #35 Senator. He will do an exceptional job for all of us!
Fred and Arlene Hobson
Parents endorse Hobson