Dear Editor,
Wording from a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service statement in the Dec. 6 Tribune article, “Injured eagles treated at Raptor Center” implied it is legal to kill hawks. All raptors (birds of prey) – hawks, owls, falcons, eagles, ospreys and vultures – are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. North American eagles are also protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Act.
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects all migratory bird species, making it illegal to kill any migratory bird species unless it is listed as a “game” bird with a permitted season, such as Canada geese. Penalties range from fines to jail sentences. If you have a question about whether a bird species is legal to hunt, contact the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks for state listed protected species, (620) 672-5911 or and visit the Fish and Wildlife Service website page listing federally protected bird species:
Pam Martin
Kansas Department Wildlife, Parks and Tourism
Shooting of hawks is illegal