Dear Editor,
On behalf of United Way of Central Kansas Board of Directors, Co-Chairs and myself I would like to thank the Kayettes, their sponsors, Barbara Harris and Karen Clark and the Senior Board members Bonny Boultinghouse, Samantha Dreiling, and Sylvia Omfama and Junior Board member Taylor Fry for the tremendous job they did on the Black out for United Way! These indivdulas took the time in their busy schedules, work, school and sports to coordinate this fundraiser and make a difference to the 21 agencies funded by United Way of Central Kansas and the thousand of indivudals in our community that are affected. The Kayettes have shown they are leaders in not only school but also their community. A special shout-out to the office staff, Lana Wolf and Cathie McManaman for their help. Mr. Meter was insturumental in helping with the coordination of the Hays game. Once again I am in awe of our community! What a great place to live.
Julie Bugner-Smith- UWCK Executive Director UWCK Board of Directors
2013 Co-Chairs
Bill Dill
Susan Aistrup
Ronda and Eric Sjogren
Thank you to the Kayettes