Dear Editor,
To The Great Bend Military Moms:
Good Morning Everyone,
As our deployment nears completion, I wanted to take this time to say ‘Thank You’ to everyone involved in supporting the troops. You provided service members a little taste of home and helped to ease the hardships of the deployment.
Words cannot fully express our appreciation nor can they describe your selflessness, kindness, dedication, and generosity.
Your efforts did not go unnoticed by the Marines and Sailors as they have continually expressed their gratitude for your sincere benevolence. Again, many thanks and continued blessings in all your endeavors.
My replacement will be arriving in the next two weeks and I am sure she will be delighted to inherit a small sample of your generosity including food, drink mixes, snacks, magazines, games, and letters from school children. However, I may keep the letter from the 3rd grader who gave me the best advice ever, “Don’t get killed.” Absolutely Priceless!!! As you can see, I decided to take the young man’s advice.
Semper Fidelis,
Chris White
Maj / USMC
Thanks to Military Moms