To the editor:
Regardless of where you stand on the Kansas Constitutional Amendment issue, you owe it to yourself to listen to or read the story of Elizabeth and James Weller of Houston, Texas, that was aired July 28, 2022: “Because of Texas Abortion Law Her Wanted Pregnancy Became a Medical Nightmare.” The Texas laws were in effect before the Roe vs Wade overturn.
The Wellers’ awful experience this past May is one example of the unintended impacts of the criminalization of abortion, and the confusion it causes for hospitals and health providers. It raises the question of how close to death does a woman have to be before she can receive medical treatment during a pregnancy complication? Texas lawmakers have caused this medical mess, and they need to make compassionate adjustments in their laws.
This same scenario will happen in Kansas, and our lawmakers will be facing the same responsibility when the Amendment passes. When we hand over decisions for our medical care to Kansas legislators, we hope they will do better than Texas has done (or not done). How bad does a woman’s infection have to get, how long after a baby’s heartbeat stops, before labor can be induced? These medical questions should not be decided in Topeka. The mental anguish and grief of dealing with complications and loss of a hoped-for planned pregnancy are heartbreaking for the woman, her family, and health care providers. If you are refused medical treatment at home, where can you go to get it?
Our Kansas Constitution currently makes medical treatment allowable. Common-sense regulations remain. Public funding of abortions is allowed only in cases of life endangerment, rape, or incest, (which require a police report). Termination after 22 weeks is prohibited except for danger to life of mother. Partial-birth and gender selection abortions are prohibited. The waiting periods, parental consent for minors, counseling, and safe, licensed procedure regulations still apply. They are constitutional now, which won’t change unless the Amendment passes. Nobody is forced to have an abortion anywhere in Kansas now, but if you need to terminate, it can happen. After August 2- if the Amendment passes- not likely. A total ban is the plan. Kansas HB 2746 is waiting and ready to go which would criminalize all abortions from fertilization until birth.
I am amazed and saddened by the outrageous and deceitful advertisements that misrepresent our current Kansas women’s health and abortion laws. Even more disgusting are the partisan efforts using national personalities who are not running for anything in Kansas as scare tactics to confuse folks.
Of course, the world looks on, but this is Kansas, and we must work this out ourselves. Outsiders need to “butt-out” on this issue. I voted “No” on the Amendment.
Dee Anne Grummon
Great Bend