Introduced at a New York food fair — and planned for U.S. distribution later this year — Great Scot International’s potato-like chips in the “flavor” of Scotland’s “national delicacy.”
Yes — haggis chips!
could you
turn that
Burger King U.K.’s Christmas-season special this year (available briefly in December): a regular Whopper, garnished with a generous helping of brussels sprouts.
Make sure
the picture
is nice
and clear
The Turkish military’s legendary homophobia — rare among NATO countries — comprises both zero-tolerance for homosexuality by service personnel and the requirement of rigorous proof by anyone applying for exemption from service by claiming to be gay.
Homosexuality is the only disqualifier from compulsory service for able-bodied men.
In personal experiences recounted for Foreign Policy magazine, some gay men seeking exemptions were ordered to verify their claims by producing witnesses to their homosexual acts, or by photographing themselves “fully engaged.”
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to
Haggis chips just like mom made