Veterinary technician and food blogger Lauren Hicks recently inaugurated service on what is surely one of the few food trucks in the country catering exclusively to dogs.
She parks her “Sit ‘n Stay Pet Cafe” — a retrofitted mail truck — in downtown Winter Park, Fla., on Thursday nights (according to an Orlando Sentinel report), serving gourmet organic snacks like the Poochi Sushi (jerky), “Ruff-in” muffins, and “Mutt-balls” and “Grrr-avy,” among other specialties.
aren’t paying
Western nations and foundations have tried for decades to build sewage treatment plants in sub-Saharan Africa, with little success — since many countries lack stable governments to assess operating fees.
And to this day, raw sewage is still merely collected and dumped, either in rivers or directly onto beaches, such as the notorious (and formerly beautiful) Lavender Hill in Ghana.
U.S. entrepreneurs recently established Waste Enterprises in Ghana to build the first-ever fecal-sludge-to-biodiesel plant (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).
Feces undiluted by water, and then heated, is highly concentrated and more resembles coal than the goo that Americans associate with sewage.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to
Its so hard to please most dogs