On an ABC-TV “Nightline,” professor Matt Frerking of Oregon Health and Science University allowed cameras to record his narcolepsy-like “cataplexy,” which causes temporary muscle paralysis each time he contemplates romantic love (hugging or holding hands with his wife, viewing wedding pictures, witnessing affectionate couples).
He noted that he can often fend off an impending attack by concentrating on his own lab work in neuroscience.
Eventually it will
grow out of his nose
When Ron Sveden’s left lung collapsed, doctors initially diagnosed a tumor, but on closer inspection learned that Sveden, of Brewster, Mass., had ingested a plant seed that had somehow migrated to his lung and sprouted open.
He is recovering.
All you can ask
is ... WHAT?
A Pomeranian puppy recently found wandering in San Bernardino, Calif., was diagnosed with reproductive-organ complications that destined him to be put down, but a woman volunteered $1,165 for “transgender” surgery.
“Red” is now happy and ready for adoption — and of course neutered.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to www.newsoftheweird.com.)
Work's what's kept him happy