To the editor:
President Trump’s positions and accomplishments:
Pro – Israel: Moved American embassy to Jerusalem; Recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights; Addresses anti-Semitism on college campuses
Pro – Life: Defends the rights of babies; First sitting president to address March for Life; VP Mike Pence is also very pro-life
Pro – Christian: Says “Merry Christmas”; Halting 501c3 restrictions on church leaders; Reasserts teachers’ and students’ rights to pray
Pro – America: Defends national anthem; Rebuilding U.S. military; Defends America from our enemies; Defends America’s southern border; New trade deals; America is respected in the world — note, for example, reception and rally in cricket stadium in India of over 100,000 people!
Revives America’s economy: Cut taxes and burdensome government regulations; Passed child tax credit; 7 million new jobs; wages increasing; America is #1 in energy; Lowest unemployment rates ever for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians; Women unemployment at 65-year low; Average unemployment is lowest in history; Wages for bottom 10% rising faster than wages for top 10%; Median household income up almost $10,000 in 3 years; Created 170 “Opportunity zones”, bringing investment into needy areas; 650,000 people lifted out of poverty; 10 million people lifted off of welfare
Pro – Freedom: Cutting burdensome government regulations; Free speech executive order; Supports religious freedom; Reasserts religious freedoms for students and teachers; Frees church leaders from 501c3 restrictions; Repealed Obamacare mandate; Eliminated the “death tax”; Defends 2nd Amendment rights of Americans; Fighting socialism, the enemy of freedom and liberty
Pro Border Security and defense of America: Building the wall; Got Mexico to put troops on border to protect it; Reduces flow of illegals into America; Protecting America (and foreign nationals and Mexico) from wicked drug cartel operations, sex trafficking of women and minors, criminals, terrorists, MS-13 violent gang members, and human traffickers (modern day slavery)
Pro National Security: Standing up to China, Iran, and North Korea; Strengthening military; Decimated ISIS terrorists; Defended embassy in Iraq from Benghazi-styled attack; Fighting America’s enemies
Supports Veterans: Allows veterans to see private doctors; Cleaning up the VA (Veterans Administration); Supports the “Blue”
Pro – Jobs: Passed major tax cut; 7 Million new jobs; Manufacturing jobs once again; More jobs than people to work them
Pro – steel, mining, and farmers: Steel and aluminum jobs are coming back
Cut Taxes
Low employment: Lowest unemployment ever for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians; Women unemployment at 65-year low; Average unemployment is lowest in history
GDP growth: Steadily over 2% the last 3 years
Prison Reform: 1st Step Act, see example of Alice Johnson
New and improved Trade deals: USMCA; China; Improved the United States – Korea Free Trade Act
Paul Leonard
Great Bend