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A good time for all
Party in the Park proves a grand success
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It was a time for the City of Great Bend to come together for one of those old-fashioned community wide celebrations. However, the second-annual Party in the Park Saturday was a little different than most.
Most such events pay tribute to an historic era or ethnic heritage. But, this party is sponsored by the city itself as a way to say thank you to the residents and to give back to the community.
There was a mud run, mud volleyball tournament, car show, concert, food vendors, children’s games and other activities. All were centered around Veterans Memorial Park.
 By all indications Saturday, the number of folks taking part in the festivities was larger than last year, which marked the first year for the party. This was a good sign.
Party in the Park is meant to create fun and enjoyment for all ages, said City Administrator Howard Partington. A few years ago, Vets Park was the place for families and class reunions to come celebrate and have fun together, during the 4th of July, now the city wants the annual Party in the Park to rekindle that idea.
It seems to be working.
The event is meant to thank the public. But, it is certain that the public owes a big thank you to the city as well.
Dale Hogg