Every time a national politician or elected official or hired-thug bureaucrat makes a sound that suggests the United States needs to be more like Europe, they should be removed from office or fired.
No second chance.
No explanations.
Sure, there’s the usual problem with the European sickness and the whole socialism thing, but that isn’t all.
There is sheer idiocy at work across the pond.
And it almost seems like our old mother country is the worst offender.
For instance, it was revealed this week that the British government has routinely been lying to the public about the identity of office workers.
This really is not some old “Monty Python” sketch. It’s real.
According to an Associated Press report from this week, “for years, staff at the British prime minister’s office have been using bogus names in their correspondence with members of the public, Downing Street acknowledged in a statement Wednesday.
It said that use of pseudonyms was introduced in 2005, after an official was tracked down by a constituent she’d been in contact with and threatened at her home address.”
The answer?
Just lie to the public and use fake names.
It came to light when a member of Parliament tried to contact E. Adams from the prime minister’s staff. He was told “she didn’t speak on the phone. Eventually, he was told she didn’t exist.”
That’s right.
A staff member had just made the name up so that communications could not be traced back to her.
And not just with the general public, but with a member of Parliament — that’s sort of like Congress, isn’t it?
And the hired government officials — that’s right, the regulators — are not the least bit apologetic. Their reaction has been “that while the prime minister’s office was looking in to alternatives to the use of pseudonyms, ‘we are clear that our priority is the security of our staff.’”
The regulators are above all you yokels and they, frankly, don’t owe you any explanation. Still, when they get around to it, they’ll condescend to explain the new regulations for how they will protect their anonymity — while they are paid with your tax dollars.
Oh yeah.
This is a system we should emulate. And perhaps we already are, considering how things work in Washington, D.C. — especially at the “higher” levels.
— Chuck Smith
Bureaucrats lie because it's convenient