Has anyone stopped to wonder just what the United States Postal Service will do come Wednesday? For the first time in weeks, there won’t be countless over-sized campaign post cards and mailings lambasting one candidate or another.
It is hoped that all of us who were able head to the polls today. And when we wake up following this divisive primary, we may all have an election hangover.
This has been a hotly contested primary season. Surely, each of us have our preferences and office seekers we support.
That is the beauty of our system. We have choices and a balloting process so we can make our choices known.
But, as in any contest, there can only be one winner. There are no white participant ribbons handed out to the also-rans.
This has been a nasty fight with a lot of accusations flung about. This makes the period following the election treacherous.
It must be a time of reconciliation and a time of compromise. We cannot let the rifts fomented by the campaigning define us and continue to haunt us.
We must remember that we are all still neighbors, colleagues and even friends. It is these bonds that hold our communities together long after the echoes of the bellicose campaign rhetoric fade into distant memories.
Dale Hogg