As Memorial Day approaches, we should remember that two important privileges American soldiers have fought to protect is our right to vote, as well as our right to serve our fellow Americans through public office.
The filing deadline for the November, 2016 election is June 1. So far, a few have filed as candidates with hopes of winning an opportunity to become the Barton County Treasurer and the Barton County Attorney, and others have filed to keep their seats, including the Barton County Sheriff. We wish them all the best in their efforts to secure these positions.
Frankly, it would be wonderful if more citizens responded to the call to leadership and service by throwing their hats in the ring, and rare is the person who not only has the urge, but also the circumstances that allow them to follow through.
While we are subjected over the next five months to the typically ugly display that presidential elections have become, let’s resolve not to lose sight of the fact public service is a calling, and it is hard.
People willing to lead at a local level probably have the most challenging jobs of all. They don’t have the benefit of the Secret Service to ensure their safety, and they run into their constituents every day at the store, at work and at church. They also give countless hours to study in order to make thoughtful decisions, and are essentially on call every day to hear the thoughts and concerns of those they serve. And still, they choose to serve.
Perhaps there are those who are on the fence this weekend, wondering if now is the time to put themselves out there and give public service a try. We hope they thoughtfully consider what it could mean not only to themselves, but to the rest of us.
As citizens of Barton County, let’s remember this weekend that in order to be able to exercise our right to vote, fought for, won, and reaffirmed by the blood of several over the years, we also need those we can vote for. Thank those that serve you in any capacity, and remember what they give up for you.
Filing deadline is almost here