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The tourism industry promoters are working overtime, first trying to convince Americans that it’s safe — not to go back into the water — to get back out and travel.Sure, they urge us, even if the gas prices haven’t dropped significantly by Memorial Day, they are sure to drop anytime soon, so if you have to spend a huge amount to go on an early summer trip, it’s OK. You’ll make it up driving to work the rest of the summer.Provided, of course, you still have a job. And a car. And can buy gas.Because stuff’s not turning around the way they had hoped.In fact, prices are only going one way currently and that isn’t down.Already, the tourism industry of the Gulf Coast, which was hoping to start to dig out of the money hole it fell into with last year’s oil spill, sees that this vacation season just isn’t shaping up well at all.According to a recent Associated Press report: “Resorts, restaurants, casinos and charter fishermen say the pricey trips could keep some travelers away, though it could also keep vacationers in the South closer to home.