A popular meme this year carries the caption, “Black Friday: Because only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.”
The trampling of years past has been greatly reduced, however, as big retailers have expanded their sales calendars. Some are now calling this month Black November.
It becomes more and more difficult for family members who are separated by miles to come together for a traditional Thanksgiving Day dinner with a turkey and favorite foods that someone spent hours cooking. But however you spent Nov. 24, there’s still time today and tomorrow for each of us to remember all there is to be thankful for. “Be thankful that you have a life,” says Richard Dawkins, the famed biologist and author who created the word “meme.”
Whether you started today by shopping, working, traveling, or reading this newspaper, it can end with another thankful pause.
Then, if the spirit of the season is upon you, prepare for the holiday galas, sparkling lights and parades to come. A lot of work goes into our community events. To all who make it happen, thank you.
Thanks again
Holiday over, here come the holidays