The story of Linda Tillman, feature story in Tuesday’s Great Bend Tribune, perfectly exemplifies the spirit of this time of year and the generosity, which if each of us had, would make the world a much kinder and softer place.
This new year, we’d encourage readers to make a difference in Barton County and to those that work hard at giving already, to continue to do so.
It seems as though with the media celebrity circus surrounding singers and actors such Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber ,who live their lives with an intense concentration on number 1, becomes more and more common. Their behavior is not one to emulate.
Yet Tillman continues to give despite serious illness. She takes no credit for herself.
There are so many worthwhile charities in this county and Tillman sets a fine example.
With the mountains of gifts that some receive, which are discarded, broken or forgotten about almost immediately, it seems a small part of that cost would be better spent giving.
There are many non-profits and charities in the area that could use help in making a difference.
It’s easy to make the assumption one will never be in need of help, particularly for those that are young and healthy. This may not always be the case and life has a way of throwing curve balls.
By giving, this allows services to continue that you may one day be in need of.
In addition, giving softens the heart.
Giving of one’s time or money helps the giver as well as the receiver.
True generosity