When they are dealing with taxpayers in the private sector who shouldered bigger burdens decades ago, it should come as no surprise that there is getting to be less and less sympathy for public workers who not only don’t want to pay their fair share, but who show contempt for our system of government in the process.
The Associated Press reported on the most recent example this summer, and it leaves a sour taste for private sector workers who faced even greater cuts over the past couple of decades. In those days, everyone from the elected officials to the talking heads on the tube just assured those of us taking the private sector cuts that it was the natural readjustment of the private sector system. Of course that “readjustment” meant we wouldn’t afford a new car, or go on extended vacations, or pay for our kids’ college. And we were the ones who “adjusted.”
Now it’s happening to the public sector. Amazingly, they don’t like it either:
“Two dozen union workers were arrested after disrupting a legislative hearing on an employee benefits bill in New Jersey.
“The workers stood up, linked arms and chanted ‘Kill the bill!’ as uniformed state troopers moved in and removed the group from the hearing.
“The workers are protesting legislation that would require 500,000 government workers to shoulder a larger share of their health care and pension costs.”
Nobody wants to lose their perks, or see their free benefits cut, but showing disrespect for our method of government isn’t the answer.
Those of us who are footing the bill and who have already experienced these same changes in the private sector are getting fed up with these antics. If these workers are so unhappy with the public sector, maybe they should quit.
There are plenty of jobs in the food service industry.
— Chuck Smith
Try a different profession