This is the day.
If you are reading this before 7 p.m. and if you are a registered voter, then you should be planning to head to the polls and exercise your franchise, as they used to say.
Get out and vote.
The Barton County Clerk’s Office staff have done just about everything that could be done to make it easier for you. They have provided tons of opportunities to vote. Now you have election day, if you haven’t already cast your ballot.
If you are reading this and you didn’t pay attention to any of the precedes the Tribune has been running, contact the Clerk’s Office, 793-1835, and they will tell you where to vote.
There really are no good excuses.
And it’s important, every time you are allowed to vote, it’s important.
Decisions are being made at the polls that will impact your life.
So get involved.
Also, not to wax too patriotic, but also, consider what has been sacrificed in the past to allow you to go freely to the polls.
For all those reasons, and many more, get out and vote.
Oh, yeah, one other reason ... whether you life it or not.
If you don’t vote, if you refuse to be a part of the democratic process, do the rest of us a favor and shut up.
— Chuck Smith
Vote or shut up