In Topeka they are dealing with one of those issues that just sets the average taxpayer’s teeth on edge.
Late last year, Juan Lucio allegedly pointed a gun at Topeka cops and in the ensuing confrontation, Lucio was shot.
While the cops put the bullet in, it took a trip to Stormont-Vail to get it out and, according to the Associated Press, there’s now a bill for almost $200,000 to pay for the treatment to the 27-year-old.
The Topeka City Council is considering covering a little over $29,000 of it.
Whatever is paid, it’s coming out of the taxpayers’ pockets, and it’s not just when a suspect gets shot.
There are all sorts of medial issues, up to and including major surgeries and pregnancies, that involve inmates and end up being paid for by the taxpayers.
As public funds are stretched, this is one of the issues that is going to come back to haunt us, especially on the local level.
The issue is certainly a huge one at the state level, too, but it’s just not as obvious.
One would think that, upon exiting the prison or jail, the inmate would simply be presented with a bill and arrangements to pay back the taxpayers would be made.
However, if these people were that responsible they probably wouldn’t be in custody in the first place.
That’s a generalization, but the problem is evident.
It’s difficult to say what the answer is, but it is another example of the issues that are facing us and that require real leadership, original thinking, and creative problem solving.
— Chuck Smith
We get the bill