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Wake up central Kansas
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To the editor,

The Sip and Solar meeting at the brewery in Great Bend stated that there would be little if any environmental effect on Cheyenne Bottoms. There needs to be a comprehensive study on the impact of a large solar farm on the Central Kansas Flyway. Permits to allow this to be done two miles south of the Bottoms needs to stipulate that a study be done to know what will happen to the migratory birds.

The state of Kansas KDWP, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, Ducks Unlimited, Audubon Society, Nature Conservancy, bird watchers, waterfowlers should all demand the study needs to be done before one solar panel is erected. Taxpayer money subsidizing Green New Deal should be researched, find out what percent we taxpayers are paying and how we would benefit.

In my opinion, we will just be used in Barton County, land taken out of production, large solar arrays shining up towards the sun. It’s a disaster for Cheyenne Bottoms and Barton County. Dr. Dan Witt, who is a real doctor, shouldn’t have to be fighting to save the Bottoms from the proposed solar panel farm with all his time and energy. He should be writing Marsh Musings, doing photography, gardening, hunting, fishing, spending time with his family enjoying his golden years! He is an American Patriot and I am proud to call him my friend.

Kenny Smith

Great Bend