Lake Barton Ladies’ Golf Association
LAKE BARTON — The May competition winners were Pennie Pinkston, low gross; and Dianne Call and Pennie Pinkston, Spring Fling Tournament champions.
LAKE BARTON LADIES INVITATIONAL — 18-Hole, 2-Lady Scramble; June 22, 2019; Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Free mulligans, hole prizes, high payouts, raffle Items, famous salad luncheon.
Contact Shellie Thill at 620-793-6309 or
LADIES GOLF LESSON — Thursday, June 6; meet in the clubhouse, 6 p.m.. Cost is $5 per lesson.
June 4—Tee time, 8 a.m. — regular play
June 11—Tee time, 8 a.m. — regular play
June 18—Tee time, 8 a.m. — regular play
June 25—Tee time, 8 a.m. — regular play