K-State Research and Extension, in collaboration with USDA, is hosting a Dryland Soil Health Network meeting on February 18 for dryland producers and researchers. The meeting will be held at the K-State Agricultural Research Center in Hays. Opening remarks will begin at 10 a.m., a lunch will be provided, and the meeting will conclude at 2 p.m. All interested people are invited to attend.
The goal of the Dryland Soil Health Network is to advance soil management strategies including conservation, cover crops, and no-tillage to improve soil health and productivity of dryland cropping systems through participatory research and learning.
The overall objectives of this meeting include: provide farmers and researchers a platform to share information on soil management through structured research and education; conduct on-farm research trials to investigate new and proven soil management strategies to improve soil health; facilitate farmer-researcher feedback to identify soil health challenges and refine soil management recommendations/guidelines for dryland systems.
Interested individuals are encouraged to RSVP to Dr. Augustine Obour at aobour@ksu.edu or Joe Kimzey at jgk5335@ksu.edu. You can also RSVP by phone at 785-625-3425.
An “Integrated Weed Control Management of Herbicide Resistant Weeds” program will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19th. Registration at 8:30 a.m. the program starts at 9a.m. and concludes at 11:30 a.m. followed by a complimentary noon meal. It will be held at American Ag Credit, 5634 10th Street in Great Bend.
Topics of this meeting include: the role of integrated weed management in controlling difficult weeds; managing multiple herbicide-resistant palmer amaranth; updates on herbicides and herbicide tolerant traits.
And as always there will be time for Q & A.
Presenters will be Sarah Lancaster and Vipan Kumar, K-State Research & Extension weed control specialists.
Continuing education units for CCA & Commercial Applicators are available.
RSVP is requested for the meal count by Monday, Feb. 17th. Call Brenda at the Cottonwood Extension Office, Great Bend 620-793-1910 or email bwalton@ksu.edu
Stacy Campbell is an Agriculture and Natural Resources agent for Cottonwood Extension District. Email him at scampbel@ksu.edu or call the Hays office, 785-628-9430.