The 82d Airborne Division has returned from Afghanistan after completing their missions over a two year period. This division has been America’s No.1 fighting division since World War II, also highly decorated.
The division takes care of our wounded warriors that return from the combat areas. We have 100 chapters across America and 34,000 active members.
Regular chapter meetings are hled, picnic’s, dinner-dance, mini-reunions, an Annual National Convention, Color Guards and school programs about their achivements in WW II. The main goal of the Association is to connect veterans from WWII and today’s soldiers as they pass through the 82d Airborne Division.
Membership has veterans from the 11th, 13th, 17th, 82d, 101st and todays Special Forces, 35% non-82d. There are over 100,00 veterans eligible for membership in the USA. Combat is not a requirement, only the Wings earned through hard work and dedication.
National Activities include: Winter Weekend, Hilton Head, S.C. - Feb, 24-26; KY All-Airborne Days, Bowling Green, KY. - Feb. 25-26; Airborne Awards, Atlanta, GA. - April 6-9; 65th Annual Convention, Reno, Nev. - August 3-6.
For complete details on events and membership write to: Today’s Airborne, 5459 Northcutt Pl., Dayton, Oh. 45414; E-mail; or phone 937-898-5977.
82d Airborne Returns from Afghanistan