Ellinwood School/Community Library Summer Reading Program can assist parents in keeping their children reading throughout the summer! We have the books! If we don’t have the one you are looking for, we can borrow it from another library. We also have Hoopla and Libby, for the students who enjoy reading or listening to a digital copy.
“Rural Students – In a study of K-8 students nationwide, rural students came into kindergarten with higher achievement levels in math and reading than their non-rural peers; but by the end of third grade non-rural students consistently outperformed those from rural communities across the grades. Rural students grow at slightly faster rates in math and reading than other students when school is in session, but lose more ground almost every summer,” according to a press release from NWEA (formerly known as Northwest Evaluation Association, released April 11, 2022. Read the article online athttps://www.nwea.org/news-center/press-releases/some-students-lose-more-ground-when-school-is-out/
When your child participates in our Summer Reading Program, 3-year-olds through 6th graders will be read to, be allowed to check out books, will be given challenges that they can achieve, and so much more. We look forward to seeing you at Ellinwood School/Community Library!
Sheri Holmes is the director of library and media services for the Ellinwood School and Community Libraries. She can be reached by email at sholmes@usd355.org.