Lois Brichacek and Donna Taggart brouht Bungalow F.C.E. members up to date on “Seasoning with Herbs and Spices” at the September meeting. Becky Dudrey presided at the luncheon session at the Highland Hotel.
Brichacek began their program with the comment tnat the wealthy, in ages past, bought most of the spices used in cookery and the less well-to -do used herbs since they could grow their own or could buy dried herbs cheaply. Today, many blends of both spices and herbs are available on the market.
The speakers gave members a new information leaflet on seasonings for foods. The leaflet, available at the County Extension office, was written by Jan Stephens,Multi-family and Family and Consumer Science agent. Included are tips on which herbs to use on certain goods, food safety and seasoning guidelines/ anti-oxidents, and buying and storage of all seasonings and blends.
Donna Taggart showed herbs she had grown in her garden this past summer, describing best conditions for growing fresh herbs for kitchen use.
“For keeping best flavor af both spices and herbs, buy the smal1est jar or container. The seasonings are best used up in one year,” Brichacek said.
The next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. on Oct. 10 at the Highland Hotel. Guest speaker will be Lily Akings, director of the County Health Department.
Bungalow FCE meeting