The Ellinwood Garden Club met on Nov. 11, at the Historic Wolf Hotel. Members enjoyed a catered hot luncheon served in elegant style on a brisk and windy day.
Election of officers took place: President, June Stephens; Vice-president, Debbie Tillotson; Secretary, Mike Westerman; Treasurer, Helen Urban; Civic Improvement and Reporter, JoAnn Roth; and Sunshine, Rosie Joiner.
The club voted to purchase two replacement red velvet holiday bows to adorn each wheat shock this holiday season. With exposure to the elements, the bows need to be replaced every fourth year. It was voted to donate the roses from the Rose Garden on west Santa Fe Boulevard to the Ellinwood Community Garden. The roses need to be removed for the KDOT storm sewer project through Ellinwood. It was also voted to repaint the small wheat sheaves along Santa Fe Boulevard, Hwy 56. The wheat sheaves will be taken down for the KDOT storm sewer project to be completed. This will involve approximately 16 wheat sheaves.
The club will again be decorating the brick plant boxes in downtown Ellinwood this holiday season with layered greens, bulbs, boxes, and bows. Anyone wishing to donate funds or donate holiday bulbs for this project may contact June Stephens at 620-564-2852 or Helen Urban 620-564-2540.
The Ellinwood Garden Club is a civic group that meets the second Wednesday of the month March through November.
Ellinwood Garden Club