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Garden Club given a magical, mythological and multi-theistic look at trees in Great Bend
loc slt gardenclub
Iva Behrens, left, and Delores Grose, members of Great Bend Garden Club, discuss the memorial plaques located in the clubs cemetery rose garden. Names can be added as memorials to individuals by contacting Grose at 620-792-4466. - photo by COURTESY PHOTO

Sixteen members of Garden Club were recently treated to a fascinating journey through the way the world has envisioned one of our most beloved plants, trees.
During her program, President Nancy Swafford presented an interesting look into the magical and mythological role trees have played in the world’s fantasy literature, stories and movie dramas where trees are brought to life and given human characteristics. She also provided an intriguing insight into how trees have been often a part of the worship of a great variety of religions, from the early Celtic druids and other primitive peoples who actually regarded trees as gods and on through the ages where trees and other plants such as mistletoe have played a role in the worship practices and the mythological stories of many differing religions.
Even today trees and greens play a symbolic role in contemporary faith stories and practices. Our Christmas trees of today were first used by Christians in Germany and brought to the United States by German immigrants.
Nancy concluded her presentation with the thought that trees, with their cycles of growth, decay, and resurrection, embody the themes of most faiths.
During the business meeting, Alice Young asked the membership to stop by and look at the memorial signs in the Great Bend Cemetery Rose Garden. That way, that when discussion concerning the needed repairs resumes at a later meeting, more of the members will be familiar with the current condition of the signs.
Iva Behrens, hostess, served coffee and delicious cranberry coffee cake.
The next meeting of Great Bend Garden Club will be on Jan. 16 with Sharon East as hostess and Delores Baker presenting the program.