Golden Sheaf Chapter #226, Great Bend, was honored with a special visit from Doris Kammerer, Newton Chapter #5, District Aide for District 9, Grand Chapter of Kansas, Order of the Eastern Star on June 1, at the Hoisington Masonic Lodge.
Those introduced were: Past Grand Patron. Darrell Shanteau, Golden Sheaf #226, Lyons, Queen Esther Chapter #32; Sisters, Diane Krupp, Shirley Wise, Myrna Kelly, and Rae Corbet. Brothers introduced from Queen Esther Chapter #2 were Kenneth Parks, Billy Wise, Herb Corbet, and Ron Kammerer of Newton Chapter #5. Golden Sheaf #226 members introduced were Sisters Carol Anderson and Barbara Lear. All visitors and members of the Chapters present were introduced as Grand Representatives, Grand Committee members, Grand Guards, Spouses of Past Grand Patrons. and visiting Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons.
A “Mystery Dinner” was served to the membership prior to the meeting of Golden Sheaf by Worthy Matron, Carol Anderson. Refreshments were served to everyone following the meeting bv PGP Darrell Shanteau. and Sister Karlene Buechman. Chapter Secretary.
Golden Sheaf Chapter #226, Great Bend