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Great Bend Lions
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Vice District Governor Ralph Rodgers

Vice District Governor Ralph Rodgers will conduct an Official Club Visitation to the Great Bend Lions Club at noon on Tuesday at the Highland Hotel, 3017 10th Street in Great Bend. All club members are encouraged to be present for this important meeting with the VDG and District Lion Leaders.
VDG Rodgers, of Hugoton, assumed his duties on July 1. He will become District Governor in July, 2011, upon returning from Lions International Convention in Seattle, Wash.
Lion Rodgers is active in the Hugoton Chamber of Commerce and served as Chamber President in 1996. He is a 4-H Leader, serves on the Stevens County Fair Board as Fair Superintendent, serves with the Stevens County Extension Council, the American Legion, and the VFW. He is active with the Antique Tractor Club and is a coach for summer league girls softball. Rodgers has two grown daughters and has seven grandchildren.
Lions Clubs is the largest community service organization in the world, with 1.36 million members in 45,642 clubs, in 206 countries around the globe. In District 17-L, which covers the entire western half of Kansas, there are 1,685 Lion members in 70 Lions Clubs, all dedicated to serving the needs of their home communities.